The P&C Association meets each month, usually on the first Monday. The Meetings are held in the Resource Centre (Library) and begin promptly at 5.30 pm. A supper is provided at each meeting.
P&C operations in brief
The Association provides much needed funding to supplement the school funds. They financially support The Arts in a range of areas including purchasing and maintenance of instruments and they also support a range of other initiatives across the school including sporting equipment and uniforms. In 2023 the P&C contributed $29,000 towards purchasing shade shelters for sporting carnivals. This was higher than what is usually contributed to the school for the continual upgrading and maintenance of the computer equipment used by the students, but this project was considered more important and accumulated reserves were used to complement our usual contribution. The P&C also contributed $4,000 in support of the Chaplaincy Program after the Federal Government reduced its financial support to this worthwhile service to the school.
The financial assistance scheme for high achievers has been formalised and criteria has been made available to all students and parents/carers. This 'P&C Financial Assistance for Student Representatives Policy' is there to assist those individuals or teams who achieve and compete at State or National level. Information and application forms are available via the Financial Assistance for Student Representatives Policy drop down.
P&C affiliation with QCPCA
Our P&C is affiliated with the Queensland Council of Parents & Citizens’ Association (QCPCA). Our annual affiliation fee pays for the insurance on Canteen operations and for volunteer workers at the school.
P&C Queensland's Parent Talk Publication